Diabolic Tutor

Finding it hard to find time for adventures? There’s a great alternative to live session as playing online gets easier with Gitzman’s (you know him from his enormous map project) online tutoring. This was published at FFG’s forum:

Hey dudes,

So i know lots of people have been inquriing as to how to play remotely with their pals.  I’ve been using MapTools for a while now which can really help those long distance games with a shared digital game board.

I will be running an introductory session on how to use MapTools and more specifically, how to use the Gtizman’s WFRP3 Ruleset for MapTools this weekend, Saturday, April 30th at 11am PST (GMT -8).

In order to participate you will need:

  • MapTools v1.3b86 available for free here.
  • JAVA 6 or higher available for free here.
  • Skype available for free here.

If you want to run your own games, you will also need Gitzman’s WFRP3 MapTools Ruleset avaialble atwww.GitzmansGallery.com.

If you are interested in checking it out, please shoot me a contact request on Skype at “jburke.design“.

I will provide instructions for logging into MapTools, running it, playing with the tokens and macros, and maybe a bit of designing maps.

I look forward to seeing you guys this weekend!
