Updating the Links

So a lot has happened in WFRP-land while I left this blog fallow. Most notably (more so that the appearance of WFRP 4e, for me personally) is the shutting down of the Strike-to-Stun forum. The announcement and tribute thread can still be found here. StS is what got me back into the hobby after many years away; A Bitter Harvest, which is now Zweihänder‘s intro scenario, was written for an StS competition, and it’s how I started to come to Wim/TobCon and met a whole bunch of awesome people who gave very, very good game.

The StS community has moved, in part at least, to the new Winds of Chaos forum. And that made me realise I should update a whole bunch of links here. There are way too many changes to list, but if there are any others I ought to know about and have missed, please mention them in the comments!

Note that I removed the adventures There’s Something About Marie and The Queen of Embers at their author’s request: they’re being published for Zweihänder, with the former already available as part of the new supplement Main Gauche.

Rogue Trader Humble Bundle

From now and for the next 20 days, the Humble RPG Book Bundle is for the PDFs of Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader, once Fantasy Flight Games but now with Cubicle 7.

While this isn’t strictly to do with WFRP, the lowest contribution of $1 gets you a 20% off coupon for the C7 store. You won’t be able to use it for the first installment of the new Enemy Within campaign, since it doesn’t apply to preorders, but you could use it to get the WFRP 4e stuff that’s already appeared.


It’s ALIVE!!!

Some recent news:

  • WFRP4 is out and I played and ran it last weekend at Tobcon 2 in London. I liked it! Is it exactly what I wanted out of a 4e? No, of course not. But it’s an improvement on 2e, while returning to much of what was good about that game.
  • I’ve posted the notes and pregens for the 4e game I ran at Tobcon here, under Downloads. They are just notes, though.
  • Cubicle 7 have also been putting out cleaned-up PDFs of all the 1e material, including hard-to-find stuff like ‘Marienburg: Sold Down the River’. You can get them via Drivethru here.
  • The first supplement for Zweihänder, Main Gauche, is in the last few days of its Kickstarter here. It’s funded and is currently going for more stretch goals. It covers Chaos, among other things.


Fantasy Germanies

This post is about Fantasy Germany, but before we get to that, here’s a reminder to go support The Midderlands Kickstarter: it’s got 24 hours to run as of posting this. It’s not not-Germany but it’s definitely Warhammer!

The latest newsletter from Triple Ace Games announced that late next month (August) they’ll be Kickstarting a Holy Roman Empire sourcebook called ‘Satan’s Playground’ for their alt-history Gothic swashbuckling game All For One. Per the newsletter:

France is not the only country beset by demons. For 20 years, the Holy Roman Empire has been torn asunder by religious war stirred up by the forces of Hell and the greed of man. All for One: Satan’s Playground takes characters into a land ravaged by strife, famine, disease, and witchcraft – a land where honor means nothing and survival means everything.

I’ve got the Ubiquity version of this and many of the PDFs and it’s very fun, so I’ll definitely be backing this, but it did make me realise we have a lot of fantasy Englands, Frances, Arabias and Scandinavias, but how many fantasy Germanies are there?
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