This are certainly brewing now. LF should be released any day now (hopefully), Zweihänder is coming and Emirikol (for StS’s and FFG’s forums) decided to try host his own scenario contest. Here is what he is proposing:
My Two-fold Goal: 1) Encourage authors to write WFRP scenarios through the revival of the annual scenario contest with prize(s). 2) Encourage Convention Play of the WFRP
Proposal: 3rd Edition Convention-Playable Scenario Contest:
PROPOSED Deadline: November 1st, 2012
Assumptions: It is assumed that GMs running the scenario have access to the Core set, Winds of Magic, Signs of Faith and Adventurer’s Toolkit (i.e. everything included in the Player’s Guide and GM’s Guide). References beyond those should be summarized in a sidebar where possible.
Minimum Scenario Content: Scenario must be all-new/original. Not including pre-generated characters, the length should be from 10-40 pages or between 5000-13,000 words and be playable in 3.5-4 hours. Part-II should be added as a separate entry if scenario is expected to go over this time with additional expected play-time listed (shoot for an additional 4 hours). Adaptations to previous editions may be included in a separate appendix.
Submission Formatting Recommendations: 11 or 12 point readable fonts 2-column except for appendix, maps or handouts, and 1 inch margins maximum.
Pre-Gen Character Formatting: If pre-generated characters are included the following format is recommended: Section 1 – Character sheet, Section 2- summary of cards needed, Section 3 – Attitudes towards other PCs. It is ok to instead reference specific Liber Fanatica 7 pre-gens rather than including new ones, but you may wish to include attitudes towards other PCs section.
Formatting layout: Page 1 – Title Page with Blurb, Author(s), and legal disclaimer. Other minimum formatting requirements: rank/career minimum expected to play, course of expected play (scenario synopsis), background, content (by Act and Encounter). It does not have to be a railroad, but it does require a “most common course of expected play.”
Stat Block: It is assumed that all GMs have the Core Boxed Set, but not the Creature Guide or Creature Vault. Monsters found in the Core Set may simply be referenced, otherwise more complete information or summary side-bar. NEED STAT BLOCK FORMAT
Judging: Liber Fanatica and anyone who wants to help, including writers who submit (can’t vote for your own).
1e, 2e adaptations: Appendices with 1e, 2e, or Zweihander adaptation stat blocks, etc. do not count towards word count.
Prizes : Each author that meets minimum standards get a copy of DLSS (official print copy, max 1) and hosted on Liber Fanatica website. Runner up gets the printed J2BFP. Winner gets: Journey to Blackfire Pass (with cardstock pregen’s- official copy) and some gift certificates or dice or something (TBD).
Read the whole discussion about this interesting idea HERE.