Ye Oldest Con

Just received another one-sheet adventure. And by “just” I mean “almost two weeks ago”. Sorry Ovid.

Aaaaaanyway. Ovid (a member of the magnificent Strike-to-Stun community) has written a onepager about one of the oldest cons in the book. I won’t spoil this for players but I think that it presents a good alternative for all editions of WFRP. It might even be used as a basis of a longer campaign.

I would really like to see even more these kinds of adventures out there. Hopefully The Estalian Prisoner sparks a few ideas that can be shared with the community.

The Estalian Prisoner (direct download as pdf)
One-sheets download page

Liber Fanatica 9 is almost here

Because it is customary Liber Fanatica has been facing some major problems from various sources. Currently it seems most likely that this massive tome will be published in two parts (and later as one) to allow gamers to get their hand on it as soon as possible.

In fact we are so close to publishing this beast that we are willing to present you a preview article from it. It is Rae Russell‘s article of how to bring problem players back to Sigmar. It includes hands-on advice and ideas to be used in any game.

It should be noted though that this really is only a preview file so some formating will be done later on. And naturally the other articles referenced in this piece will not be available currently (though they give you a nice sneak peek of what is to come!)


If you have any comments on how the article is presented this is your chance to have some influence on the final product.

The Book of the Asur

A huge project by FFG forum user Yepesnopes is finished. This tremendous work is nothing less than a major league supplement for WFRP3. It introduces the Asur (or the High Elves) for players and GMs alike and includes careers, items, pets and a complete the book.

This what the writer has to say about his project for the readers of the Daily Empire:

After three editions of Warhammer fantasy role play game, three different editions of Dwarf supplements (they have even a magazine called White Dwarf), and no Elf supplement at all; in this times where we are working to correct gender discrimination, I decided to work to correct race discrimination!
In this fan project you will find the recompilation of the recent history of the Asur and some of their most fabled heroes, descriptions of the different regions of Ulthuan and house rules for regional features of the Asur, Elven culture and religion, a short description of Elftown the largest high elf settlement in the land of men, house rules for High Elf nobles in the harsh Empire lands, and the role of high magic in the Asur every-day life as well as house rules for High Magic apprenticeship.
All this is supported by several new careers and some already existing careers re-edited with an elf flavor.

The Book has been uploaded to the vaults of the Daily Empire and it can be downloaded HERE (zip).

Play-testers Needed & a New Character Sheet

Just when I thought I would have the time to concentrate to this blog I got sick. My wife got sick And my son got so sick that we had to teach him to sleep without pacifier (luckily I don’t mean Vin Diesel). It’s only a flue but still annoying…

Anyway I had a point to add this anyway!

The sequel to the Master of Shadows campaign that I co-wrote to Liber Fanatica 8 is finished. And this time around we are lucky to have enough time for play-testing.

So I’ll be needing (hopefully) at least two groups to run it before the end of the year. The GM is provided with the scenario and reference material needed but due to editing times needed they will not be as spectacular to look at as the final version of the coming LF9.

If you’d like to help the Liber Fanatica in this way.

In other news:

I added Nisses’s Character Sheet on the Downloads (and would like to add that he is the fastest proof-reader I’ve worked with). One other character sheet was sent to me also but that one got pulled back.

At Strike to Stun forums DagobahDave started on a fast NPC creator that is worth looking at even in this WIP state. And if you haven’t go now to the Magic the Gathering site to check out the superior art of the Innistrad block (find the pictures in the posts under “headlines”. It’s almost as good as the work of the Liber Fanatica artists.

A fellow gamer on Strike to Stun also pointed out some errors in my ancient Caradué-document. I’ll be fixing them when I find the time. For some reason I can’t find his/hers nick or real name anywhere. Thanks anyway!

I was also asked to write a review of a new eBook (The New  Death and others can be found HERE and I’d recommend you to give it a look. I bought it already.). I was intrigued to write it but I thought it is not what this site is about and currently I don’t have the time to write as good reviews I would like. So you just have to take my word on this “check it out”!

That’s that. Quite a lot of stuff. And without proper introductions. Oh well.

New Character Sheets for WFRP3

Once upon a time there where no good alternatives for the character sheet of WFRP3.

And then all of a sudden there are three!

Gitzman’s sheet is still a bit “under construction” but it already seems really good. The other two sheets are Doublehex’s (he has kindly enough allowed me to host his sheets on the Daily Empire) and my own.

So here you go!

My Sheet

Doublehex’s Sheet

(I’ll add the links to Gitzman’s sheet when it is finished but I’m sure you can look out for it at his Gallery.)