The Vision of Chaos – Download …for PC
Vision of Chaos is a small but handy tool for WFRP GM’s to fastly create NPCs for player characters to encounter. NOTE: even though it works well enough already this program is still under development.
The Village of Caradué – Download PDF
The Village of Caradué is a small settlement at the border of Couronne and L’Anguille in Bretonnia. This booklet describes this small community ruled by tyrannous Lord Marquis de’Caradué in way that it can be used in any game of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. (Meaning no stats included)
The Cult of the Possessed – Download PDF
CotP presents a renegade cult of Chaos very different from those seen in current line of products resurrecting an old god of Chaos called Malal. It deals with how the cult is perceived by servants of Sigmar and by the cultists themselves and gives you ideas how to fight Chaos with Chaos.
Hosted files:
Hosted files include WFRP fan-material that was not written by me. Credits to original authors are given.
Provincial Features of the Empire – Download PDF
All provinces of the Empire presented in an easy-to-use sheet for reference.
(By: Mal Reynolds)
Forbidden Blades – Download PDF
“Being a Short Treatise on the Cursed Swords of the Rawenfeuer Family.” (By: Sami Uusitalo)
Ice King of Kislev – Download PDF
“This article presents the Ice King’s venture and details how you can use him in your games.” (By: Sami Uusitalo)
Is the character sheet the one with mistake of Agility for Athletics?
Yes it is. Though you might want to know a whole new sheet is coming when I get the graphics ready.
Forbidden blades are an excellent material. I am happy, that they aren’t really cursed. There is no unnecessary word in this document!
Sorry for disturbing you, but look on the page 6 in your cult of the possessed. Fragment about Wilhelm Steinberg is cut.
I refuse to find comments on anything on this site “disturbing”. When you have something to say, please do not hesitate. You managed to find an error that had been missed for a pretty long time. Thank you!