Malal Malal Be’lakor

It is finally finished.

I actually managed to do the last touches on the Blasphemous Cults 3: The Cult of the Possessed last night but was too tired (and anxious to wake up for a Reckless Dice Podcast) to put it online. But with a two hours of sleep (thanks to my son) and an energy drink I am more than ready to present it to you!

What’s the Cult of the Possessed about?

CotP is an indenpendent sequal to the series started by Sami Uusitalo with his Blashpemous Cults (download it from Strike-to-Stun HERE). It presents a cult of Chaos very different from those seen in current line of products resurrecting an old god of Chaos called Malal. It deals with how the cult is perceived by servants of Sigmar and by the cultists themselves and gives you ideas how to fight Chaos with Chaos.

About this Malal/Be’lakor thing…

I am first to admit that the idea is not exactly my own, original or even canonical. But as it nevertheless made an interesting supplement I really don’t care. The way I dealt with these two beings is not for everyone but I still think it was a valid choice. Certainly after adding some Cthulhu Mythos into the mix too.

For which edition is this supplement?

As I have stated with the one-sheet I like all editions of WFRP and will not put any gaming info on my own works. This frees me from spending time to search different rules for these things so I can use that time to write.

I will say however that the supplement includes references into the Storm of Chaos (as it is quite relevant when talking about Be’lakor). This however should not be a problem and could be presented as visions of future if needed.

For gaming purposes I recommend gamers to check WFRP2 – Tome of Corruption for possessions and exorcism. Sami Uusitalo told me that there’s some similar stuff in FFG’s Warhammer 40K rpg product line.

I would like to thank all of you who helped me with this product whether it was proofreading, editing advises or much needed commentary. Without you I would have lost interest!

As always I would be more than happy to receive comments and suggestions (or even an occasional “hello!”) about the product. As some of you might have noticed I answer to all emails and usually pretty promptly.

Without further ramblings, download Blashpemous Cults III: The Cult of the Possessed


Great News Everyone!

It has been a very busy week for me. I’ve managed to make the first draft of my work for LF9 and still I found the time to write quite a lot for a new Blasphemous Cults article. If the name Malal brings a renegade smile on your face I hope you’ll not be disappointed.

As rumors go I’ve heard that the LF8 is going to be released during the first week of August (that is any day now!), Sami Uusitalo is writing a little something new too and FFG going to keep a seminar about WFRP during next Thursday!

I’ve also hosted two new files that have been lost from the Chaos Realm that is Internet, The Forbidden Blades and The Theater of the Damned both by Sami Uusitalo and his magnificent team.

edit: Wrote another one-sheet: The Well of Light is a Lovecraftian encounter on a strange farm where knowledge was searched too keenly and an adventure seed about getting two giants drunk

Yet another one-sheet to download

I received this last week but I’ve been quite busy so I apologize for the late upload. Here it is though and it certainly adds a nice encounter to any campaign.

The Arabyan Knight – DOWNLOAD as PDF

At a coaching inn, an Arabyan warrior ischallenging every male noble who will not turn backto a duel. He is the bastard son of the local baron,who rejects him out of shame & love for his wifebut won’t let the roadwardens intervene. (By: Ovid)

All one-sheet can be downloaded HERE.

First two one sheets added

First two one… Whoah. That was most likely the stupidest way I could put it out. No matter. There are now three one sheets to be downloaded. The new additions are:

Sweet Marrow – DOWNLOAD as PDF

Tired and in need of healing the party come upon a sign pointing down a little path, deeper into the forest. The sign shows a bed, fork and knife and a broken bone dripping with marrow. The town is called Sweet Marrow. The town doesn’t get many visitors and even fewer leave this friendly village. It’s the food. The inn makes a truly wonderful stew, with tender, sweet sauce and meat. (By: Gallows)

The Prisoner – DOWNLOAD as PDFODT

The PCs are asked to help release aman from prison. But who can they trust, andwho exactly is being held captive? (By: monkeylite)

edit: The links of the Prisoner have been corrected. Sorry for the inconvenience.