Steampunk Warhammer

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I stumbled upon this blog via a gaming friend. Though it is NOT in anyway canonical it is really interesting and inspiring. It also goes to show how much potential the Warhammer World could (or should) have. As such it naturally is not for everyone.

The map itself represents an curious idea about most of the Empire been engulfed by the Sea of Claws.

The blog (mostly about miniatures though) can be found HERE. Give it a chance and tell us your opinion about the whole thing. Or from other uses of Old World in some other manner.

I’ve Mostly Been Hunting Dragons

I seriously doubt that anyone has been able to avoid the Thing called Skyrim. 
It is as time consuming as one might think. And when you are a stay-at-home dad like me you have very limited “free time” on your hands. Sadly this has meant that I have been neglecting Warhammer.
I would be lying to say that Skyrim is the only reason, but I am quite sure that nobody really needs to know all the reasons why somebody has been “away” from an internet community. It just happens.
Luckily last few days have been quite busy when it comes to Warhammer. 
Jackdays has released his marvelous Norsca guidebook and is even know working on it to bring WFRP3 players more bits and pieces so they could call the Frozen North their home. I also received a great amount of notes conserning the adventure I am writing for Liber Fanatica 9. I am sure they will force me (in a good way) to get back on writing for LF. The marvelous preview I got from our editor/artist god Jussi Alarauhio didn’t hurt much either.

The problem with the Reckless Dice Podcasts in iTunes has also been fixed so I finally managed to get the latest episodes (as I am too lazy to learn new ways when I can just bitch about the old ones beign better).

There just might be a little something extra brewing on my mind. Something eldritch… But I will have to get back on this when it is a bit more ready.
Aaaand as a final thought – here is someConcept art for Skyrim: Great way to introduce your players to Nordland and Norsca!

The Gathering

I tend to look for other games as a source of inspiration any time that something new comes along. “Could this be used? Still looks cool, how could I use this?”

With the new incoming set for Magic the Gathering I’ve no trouble of thinking about “how”.

The new set called Innistrad has magnificient art work that I simply as Warhammerish as it gets (maybe excluding Witcher concept art, but then again I’m a fanboy). All GMs should definitely take a look at the art. It is dark and grim setting of Transylvanian horror.


Check it now! HERE

Should you be looking for usable art the later settings of MtG are quite good too. They tend to be quite high fantasy, but with enough searching you can find almost anything.


Background Noise

While browsing Obsidian Portal I stumbled upon Gaming Music that introduces a huge amount of background music. If you like having a little something to listen while gaming and have listened LotR soundtracks more than enough you should check this out.


Also – The Cult of the Possessed is one final proof-reading away from edit and layout. So I’m quite confident that I’ll get it published during this month.

Liber Fanatica 8 is ought!



This magnificent piece of fan-work goes to show what can be done when a game is interesting enough to gather a bunch of likeminded gamers to enchance the experince. I am proud to have been part of this. So much in fact that I’m working on the next LF too. Hopefully we’ll get more interested writers, artists and proof-readers after this issue.
