Background Noise

While browsing Obsidian Portal I stumbled upon Gaming Music that introduces a huge amount of background music. If you like having a little something to listen while gaming and have listened LotR soundtracks more than enough you should check this out.


Also – The Cult of the Possessed is one final proof-reading away from edit and layout. So I’m quite confident that I’ll get it published during this month.

Liber Fanatica 8 is ought!



This magnificent piece of fan-work goes to show what can be done when a game is interesting enough to gather a bunch of likeminded gamers to enchance the experince. I am proud to have been part of this. So much in fact that I’m working on the next LF too. Hopefully we’ll get more interested writers, artists and proof-readers after this issue.


Posting Necromancy

While searching for my campaign blogs from FFG’s forum for fellow LF writer I realised that they have closed a whole lot of thread (or they’ve just gone with some update on the forums). I can still see my posts so I’ll try to save them or more precisely the meaningful ones.

One of these things was “Adventure Seeds” – small ideas of scenarios that we started to gather at Hammerzeit (now long gone). I’ll try to fish them out as they are exactly the kind of inspiration I decided to build this site on. They can be found HERE under Inspiration > Adventure Seeds.

I also decided to include our gaming logs on this site (when ever I get the change to add them). If You have gaming logs that you’re writing somewhere around the seas of internet please let me know and I’ll either link them or copy/paste them here (with Your permission of course).

edit: As I just went through my emails I noticed a message with complete stats for Reik Eels. So there’s now a new page under Downloads called simple WFRP3 that’ll be used to host all kinds of WFRP3 material.

New photogalleries

Inspired by the thread at FFG’s forum I decided to update my inspirational photos. As always I would appreciate feedback and hints of what should be added. Hopefully you’ll find these interesting.

In the same thread there was also a link to a blog that shows a “study of medieval armor”. You can check it HERE.

Minor update on music list too. Be sure to check out at least Cave Dweller and Ernstern.

The Witch Hunter Chronicles

While browsing the FFG’s forum a stumbled upon a audio series called “The Witch Hunter Chronicles”. Their web page describes it as:

“The Witch Hunter Chronicles is a dark fantasy tale about a fictional renaissance world where doom is fast approaching and the end of all things may be nigh. In the midst of this turmoil, we find a lonely man with a thirst for revenge, an innocent girl with great unknown power and a dark presence slowly moving the great city of Sevenpeaks to the brink of total collapse…”Source page

You can download every episode from HERE.