That Time of the Year

Summer is drawing close and with it more changes for random roleplaying. First major opportunity for something new (and why not old too?) is Ropecon, Finnish roleplaying convention. Unlike earlier it takes place during May and kicks the summer on quite nicely.

To prepare for Ropecon I went through my rpg collection and came into to conclusion I might want to sell some of my WFRP books. Checking their prices at Ebay I quickly noticed I’m sitting on a fortune. At the same time I know I won’t probably ever use most of them and really want to use all of them.

So with mixed feeling I’ve informed my gaming group that there will be two different groups that I’ll run some WFRP2 during this summer. I really don’t know yet what I’ll be GMing but hopefully this sparks at least some blogging for the Daily Empire too. (If you haven’t noticed I’ve mostly migrated away from WFRP and blog semi-randomly to our Guild Blog.)

Books that I'm most likely going to sell. If you are interested in them contact me at

Books that I’m most likely going to sell. If you are interested in them contact me at

2 thoughts on “That Time of the Year

  1. “Checking their prices at Ebay I quickly noticed I’m sitting on a fortune. At the same time I know I won’t probably ever use most of them and really want to use all of them.”

    I know how you feel, but I’m of a mind to keep even the WFRP2e books I won’t use. My AD&D1e/2e books etc. I might well sell, despite my affection for them. The OSR stuff is better, and I don’t have the anxiety that comes from treating them as some kind of historic document (even though I know they are ten a penny on eBay).

  2. I really much wanted to keep my books, but after moving them five different times and realizing the realities of being a dad (and never having enough money or time) I’m more than willing to let someone else enjoy them.

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